
John the Baptist Bible Quiz

John the Baptist Bible Quiz

The important role of John the Baptist was summed up by Jesus’ immortal words in Matthew 11:11:

“Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist;

Check out this excellent article on John the Baptist on Christian Courier.

Can you get 10/10 for this John the Baptist Bible Quiz?

  • Question of

    John the Baptist ate these insects

    • Locusts ?
    • Bees ?
    • Spiders ?️
    • Ants ?
  • Question of

    Which Old Testament prophet spoke about John the Baptist?

    • Isaiah
    • Jeremiah
    • Ezekiel
    • Elijah
  • Question of

    They asked him, “What then? Are you ______?” And he said, “I am not.” “Are you the Prophet?” And he answered, “No.” (John 1:21 NASB)

    • Elijah
    • Elisha
    • Ezekiel
    • Ezra
  • Question of

    Name of John the Baptist’s mother?

    • Elizabeth
    • Esther
    • Eve
    • Edith
  • Question of

    Name of John the Baptist’s father?

    • Zechariah
    • Zacchaeus
    • Zebadiah
    • Zachary
  • Question of

    John the Baptist’s clothes were made of ______ hair?

    • Camel ?
    • Goat ?
    • Bear ?
    • Lion ?
  • Question of

    In which river did John baptize people?

    • Jordan
    • Nile
    • Euphrates
    • Tigris
  • Question of

    Did John baptize Jesus?

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    In which wilderness did John preach?

    • Judea
    • Jericho
    • Jaffa
    • Jerusalem
  • Question of

    John said, “_______, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 3:2 NASB)

    • Repent
    • Rejoice
    • Revolt
    • Resent

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