The three pilgrimage festivals are major festivals of the Jews.
Let’s see how much you know about the three pilgrimage festivals.
Can you score 10/10 for the Bible Quiz: The Three Pilgrimage Festivals?
Related quiz: Seven Festivals Of Israel.
- Question of
Which below is NOT one of the three pilgrimage festivals?
- Feast of Trumpets
- Feast of Weeks or Pentecost
- Passover Festival
- Feast of Tabernacles or Booths
- Question of
Does the book of Genesis mention the three pilgrimage festivals?
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Does the book of Exodus mention the three pilgrimage festivals?
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Does the book of Leviticus mention the three pilgrimage festivals?
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Does the book of Numbers mention the three pilgrimage festivals?
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Does the book of Deuteronomy mention the three pilgrimage festivals?
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Which prophet refers to a particular city as “the city of our appointed feasts,”?
- Isaiah
- Jeremiah
- Zechariah
- Elijah
- Question of
Which city is “the city of our appointed feasts,”?
- Zion
- Bethlehem
- Hebron
- Gezer
- Question of
Which prophet foretells a messianic era when all nations will come to Jerusalem for the feast of Sukkot?
- Zechariah
- Isaiah
- Jeremiah
- Elijah
- Question of
What are the pilgrim psalms (Psalms 120-134) that are associated with the pilgrims’ journey to Jerusalem called?
- Songs of Ascent
- Songs of Pilgrims
- Songs of Joy
- Songs of Descent