
Moses & the Ten Plagues Bible Quiz

Moses & the Ten Plagues Bible Quiz
Cover image: Frances Lee / FreeBibleImages.Org

This famous account of Moses and the ten plagues is found in Exodus.

God brought these ten plagues upon Egypt to convince Pharaoh to set the Hebrews free.

Let’s see whether you can get 10/10 for the Moses & the Ten Plagues Bible Quiz?

  • Question of

    What was the first plague? (Exodus 7:14–24)

    • Water turned to blood
      Water turned to blood
    • Lice covers the land
      Lice covers the land
    • Swarm of flies
      Swarm of Flies
    • Pestilence of cattle
      Pestilence of cattle
    • Locusts
    • Death of firstborn
      Death of firstborn
  • Question of

    What was the second plague? (Exodus 7:25–8:15)

    What was the second plague? (Exodus 7:25–8:15)
    • Frogs
    • Pestilence of cattle
      Pestilence of Cattle
    • Darkness for 3 days
      Darkness for three days
    • Water turned to blood
      Water turned to blood
    • Lice covers the land
      Lice covers the land
    • Thunderstorm of hail and fire
      Thunderstorm of hail and fire
  • Question of

    What was the third plague? (Exodus 8:16–19)

    What was the third plague? (Exodus 8:16–19)
    • Lice covers the land
      Lice covers the land
    • Locusts
    • Water turned to blood
      Water turned to blood
    • Boils
    • Swarm of flies
      Swarm of flies
    • Darkness for 3 days
      Darkness for 3 days
  • Question of

    What was the fourth plague? (Exodus 8:20–32)

    What was the fourth plague? (Exodus 8:20–32)
    • Swarm of flies
      Swarm of flies
    • Boils
    • Darkness for 3 days
      Darkness for 3 days
    • Locusts
    • Lice covers the land
      Lice covers the land
    • Frogs
  • Question of

    What was the fifth plague? (Exodus 9:1–7)

    What was the fifth plague? (Exodus 9:1–7)
    • Pestilence of cattle
      Pestilence of Cattle
    • Boils
    • Locusts
    • Water turned to blood
      Water turned to blood
    • Frogs
    • Darkness for 3 days
      Darkness for 3 days
  • Question of

    What was the sixth plague? (Exodus 9:8–12)

    What was the sixth plague? (Exodus 9:8–12)
    • Boils
    • Frogs
    • Death of firstborn
      Death of firstborn
    • Pestilence of cattle
      Pestilence of cattle
    • Water turned to blood
      Water turned to blood
    • Lice covers the land
      Lice covers the land
  • Question of

    What was the seventh plague? (Exodus 9:13–35)

    What was the seventh plague? (Exodus 9:13–35)
    • Thunderstorm of hail and fire
      Thunderstorm of hail and fire
    • Pestilence of cattle
      Pestilence of Cattle
    • Boils
    • Death of firstborn
      Death of firstborn
    • Locusts
    • Frogs
  • Question of

    What was the eight plague? (Exodus 10:1–20)

    What was the eight plague? (Exodus 10:1–20)
    • Locusts
    • Swarm of flies
      Swarm of flies
    • Boils
    • Thunderstorm of hail and fire
      Thunderstorm of hail and fire
    • Frogs
    • Water turned to blood
      Water turned to blood
  • Question of

    What was the ninth plague? (Exodus 10:21–29)

    What was the ninth plague? (Exodus 10:21–29)
    • Darkness for 3 days
      Darkness for 3 days
    • Pestilence of cattle
      Pestilence of Cattle
    • Death of firstborn
      Death of firstborn
    • Swarm of flies
      Swarm of flies
    • Water turned to blood
      Water turned to blood
    • Lice covers the land
      Lice covers the land
  • Question of

    What was the tenth plague? (Exodus 11:1–12:36)

    • Death of firstborn
      Death of firstborn
    • Lice covers the land
      Lice covers the land
    • Swarm of flies
      Swarm of flies
    • Darkness for 3 days
      Darkness for 3 days
    • Frogs
    • Thunderstorm of hail and fire
      Thunderstorm of hail and fire

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