
Quiz: Camels in the Bible

Quiz: Camels in the Bible

Some interesting facts about camels in the Bible:

  • The camel is mentioned almost 70 times in the Bible.
  • The pictograph of the Hebrew letter Gimmel ג is a camel.
  • Jesus in the New Testament uses camels as metaphors for improbable things.

Without further ado, here is the quiz on camels in the Bible.

Let’s see if you can score 10/10 for the Camels in the Bible Quiz?

  • Question of

    According to Leviticus 11:4 and Deuteronomy 14:7, is the camel considered a clean animal to be eaten?

    • True
    • False
  • Question of

    How many camels did the unnamed servant of Abraham take on the journey to find a bride for Isaac? (Genesis 24:10)

    • 10
    • 11
    • 12
    • 13
  • Question of

    How many camels were there when the exiles returned to rebuild the temple in Nehemiah 7 and Ezra 2?

    • 435
    • 425
    • 455
    • 415
  • Question of

    According to Jesus in Matthew 23:24, what do blind leaders do to a camel?

    • swallow
    • worship
    • burden
    • abuse
  • Question of

    How many camels did Job possess? (Job 1:3)

    • Three thousand
    • Four thousand
    • Two thousand
    • Five thousand
  • Question of

    How many young men rode on camels and fled during David’s victory over the Amalekites (1 Samuel 30)?

    • 400
    • 500
    • 450
    • 350
  • Question of

    Who was the overseer of camels that belonged to king David (1 Chronicles 27)?

    • Obil the Ishmaelite
    • Jehdeiah the Meronothite
    • Jaziz the Hagrite
    • Shitrai the Sharonite
  • Question of

    For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a __________, than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God!” (Luke 18:25 NASB)

    • needle
    • tiger
    • cyclone
    • potato
  • Question of

    Jacob out of fear of Esau sent how many milking camels as a gift? (Genesis 32:15)

    • 30
    • 35
    • 50
    • 45
  • Question of

    What part of the camel was used to make John the Baptist’s garment? (Matthew 3:4)

    • Hair
    • Skin
    • Tail
    • Hump

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