?????⛪? Christmas is around the corner.
Surely, there is a lot of talk about reindeers.
But reindeers are NOT not mentioned in the Bible though the deer and gazelle make many appearances in the Bible.
Here’s a quiz about deer in the Bible.
Can you get 10/10 for the Quiz: Deer In The Bible?
- Question of
As the deer __________ for the water brooks, So __________ my soul for You, O God. (Psalm 42:1 NKJV)
- pants
- thirsts
- longs
- yearns
- Question of
The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my __________ like the __________ of a deer, (Habakkuk 3:19a NIV)
- feet
- eyes
- nose
- arms
- Question of
A lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be _____________ always in her love. (Proverbs 5:19 ESV)
- intoxicated
- comforted
- excited
- delighted
- Question of
Which of Zeruiah’s three sons was as swift as a gazelle? (2 Samuel 2:18 ESV)
- Asahel
- Abishai
- Joab
- Question of
Which son of Jacob was blessed: “__________ is a doe set free that bears beautiful fawns.”? (Genesis 49:21 NLT)
- Naphtali
- Asher
- Benjamin
- Judah
- Question of
Is deer considered a clean animal? (Deuteronomy 14:5)
- Yes
- No
- Question of
Which book of the Bible is this passage from: “The splendor of Jerusalem is a thing of the past. Her leaders are like deer that are weak from hunger, Whose strength is almost gone as they flee from the hunters.”?
- Lamentations
- Psalms
- Ecclesiastes
- Song of Solomon
- Question of
Which book of the Bible is this passage from: “Make haste, my beloved, and be like a gazelle or a young stag on the mountains of spices.”?
- Song of Solomon
- Ecclesiastes
- Psalms
- Lamentations
- Question of
Your two ___________ are like two fawns, twins of a gazelle. (Song of Solomon 7:3 ESV)
- breasts
- eyes
- legs
- ears
- Question of
From which tribe did warriors as fierce as lions and swift as gazelles defect to David? (1 Chronicles 12:8)
- Gad
- Dan
- Asher
- Judah