The Bible has plenty to say about inheritance.
For believers, we have a rich inheritance in Christ and it is in Christ we find out who we are and what are we living for (See Ephesians 1:11). The New Testament is filled with promises of inheritance for the believer. Hallelujah!
So here’s a Bible quiz on inheritance from the Old Testament as well as the New Testament.
Let’s see whether you can get 10/10 for the Bible Quiz: Inheritance?
- Question of
Who sold his firstborn inheritance for a bowl of red stew?
- Esau
- Esek
- Jacob
- Joseph
- Question of
The five daughters of which man successfully petitioned God through Moses for the right to inherit property as women?
- Zelophehad
- Zarephath
- Zebulun
- Zalmon
- Question of
True or False: Did Job give an inheritance to his daughters along with his sons? (Job 42:15)
- True
- False
- Question of
What item was given by Boaz to the next-of-kin for redemption of the land of Naomi? (Ruth 4)
- Sandal
- Robe
- Money
- Gold
- Question of
What portion of the inheritance was given to the firstborn son of an unloved wife? (Deuteronomy 21:15-17)
- Double
- Half
- None
- Equal
- Question of
The shall inherit the land and dwell upon it forever. (Psalm 37:29 ESV)
- righteous
- meek
- strong
- believers
- Question of
True or False: According to Proverbs 17:2, a wise servant will share the inheritance as one of the brothers?
- True
- False
- Question of
According to Jesus in Matthew 5:5, who will inherit the earth?
- The meek
- The righteous
- The wise
- The strong
- Question of
Romans 8:17 says believers are heirs of God and fellow heirs with?
- Christ
- Abraham
- The Holy Spirit
- The Church
- Question of
Having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the , (Ephesians 1:18 ESV)
- saints
- spirit
- heavens
- heart