
Bible Quiz: Joseph The Dreamer

Bible Quiz: Joseph The Dreamer

Joseph, an important figure from the Old Testament had a God-given gift of interpreting dreams.

He was his father’s favorite and the envy of his brothers.

Let’ see how much you know about Joseph the dreamer. Can you score 10/10 for the Bible Quiz: Joseph The Dreamer?

Fun Fact: The very first quiz we did on Bible Potato was about the dreamers from Genesis.

  • Question of

    How many older brothers did Joseph have?

    • 10
    • 9
    • 2
    • 1
  • Question of

    How many younger brothers did Joseph have?

    • 1
    • 2
    • 10
    • 9
  • Question of

    Name of Joseph’s mother?

    • Rachel
    • Leah
    • Bilhah
    • Zilpah
  • Question of

    Who gave Joseph the special gift: a coat with many colors?

    • His father
    • His mother
    • His younger brother
    • His step-mother
  • Question of

    What was Joseph’s first dream?

    • 11 sheaves of grain ? bowing
    • the sun, moon and stars ??⭐ bowing
    • 7 fat cows and 7 skinny cows ?
    • 7 healthy ears of grain and 7 thin ears of grain ?
  • Question of

    What was Joseph’s second dream?

    • the sun, moon and stars ??⭐ bowing
    • 11 sheaves of grain ? bowing
    • 7 healthy ears of grain and 7 thin ears of grain ?
    • 7 fat cows and 7 skinny cows ?
  • Question of

    In which place did Joseph’s brothers plotted to kill him?

    • Dothan
    • Damascus
    • Dophkah
    • Dabareh
  • Question of

    Who was the only brother of Joseph who was opposed to killing Joseph?

    • Reuben
    • Dan
    • Levi
    • Judah
  • Question of

    How much was Joseph sold for by his brothers?

    • twenty shekels of silver
    • thirty shekels of silver
    • ten shekels of silver
    • we are not told
  • Question of

    Which animal’s blood did the brothers use to dip Joseph’s coat?

    • Goat
    • Bull
    • Ox
    • Donkey

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