
Samson & Delilah Bible Quiz

Samson & Delilah Bible Quiz

Samson and Delilah is a well-known Biblical love and betrayal story of epic proportions. There have been a staggering number of movies and plays based on these two characters. Even Rembrandt painted Samson and Delilah.

Let’s see how well you know this Biblical saga.

Can you get 10/10 for the Samson & Delilah Bible Quiz?

  • Question of

    In which book of the Bible do we find Samson and Delilah’s story ??

    • Judges
    • Jude
    • Joshua
    • Jonah
    • Joel
    • Job
  • Question of

    Who was Samson’s father ??

    • Manoah
    • Noah
    • Maon
    • Nobah
  • Question of

    Against whom did the Lord use Samson as deliverer of the Israelites ???

    • Philistines
    • Hittites
    • Perizzites
    • Hivites
  • Question of

    How many years did Samson judge Israel ?‍⚖️?

    • 20 years
    • 30 years
    • 25 years
    • 15 years
  • Question of

    Where did Samson meet and fall in love with Delilah ❤️?

    • Valley of Sorek
    • Valley of Elah
    • Valley of Hamon-Gog
    • Valley of Rephaim
  • Question of

    How much was Delilah offered to betray Samson?

    • 1,100 pieces of silver from each chief
    • 1,200 pieces of silver from each chief
    • 1,000 pieces of silver from each chief
    • 1,300 pieces of silver from each chief
  • Question of

    What did Delilah use to bind Samson the first time?

    • Seven fresh bowstrings
    • New ropes that have never been used
    • Seven braids of his head
  • Question of

    What did Delilah use to bind Samson the second time?

    • New ropes that have never been used
    • Seven fresh bowstrings
    • Seven braids of his head
  • Question of

    What did Delilah use to bind Samson the third time?

    • Seven braids of his head
    • Seven fresh bowstrings
    • New ropes that have never been used
  • Question of

    Which building did Samson destroy by pushing against the pillars?

    • The temple of Dagon
    • The temple of Baal
    • The temple of Ashtoreth
    • The temple of Chemosh

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