
Jonah and ? Bible Quiz

Jonah Bible Quiz

We’ve all heard Jonah and the big fish ? story.

Let’s see how well you do in this Jonah Bible Quiz!

  • Question of

    Which Bible book comes BEFORE Jonah?

    • Obadiah
    • Jeremiah
    • Zephaniah
    • Micah
  • Question of

    Which Bible book comes AFTER Jonah?

    • Micah
    • Jeremiah
    • Obadiah
    • Zephaniah
  • Question of

    Which evil city did the LORD want Jonah to go and preach?

    • Nineveh
    • Eighteveh
    • Teneveh
    • Eleveneveh
  • Question of

    Where did Jonah try to run to instead of going where the Lord wanted him to go?

    • Tarshish
    • Joppa
    • Capernaum
    • Galilee
  • Question of

    Where did Jonah board the ship?

    • Joppa
    • Tarshish
    • Capernaum
    • Galilee
  • Question of

    The book of Jonah is found in?

    • Old Testament
    • New Testament
  • Question of

    How did Jonah end up in the belly of a big fish?

    • The sailors threw Jonah into the sea
    • Jonah jumped
    • The ship was wrecked
    • Jonah fell into the sea accidentally
  • Question of

    How long was Jonah in the big fish’s belly?

    • 3 days and 3 nights
    • 3 days and 2 nights
    • 2 days and 3 nights
    • 2 days and 2 nights
  • Question of

    What did Jonah do inside the big fish’s belly?

    • He prayed
    • He slept
    • He fainted
    • He tried to crawl out
  • Question of

    Why did Jonah became angry in the end?

    • The Lord was kind to the evil city
    • The Lord destroyed the evil city
    • The Lord punished Jonah

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